Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Ballad Poem By Lonnie Adrift

I'll tell a tale, a thrilling tale of love beyond compare
I knew a lad not long ago more gorgeous than any I've seen.
And in his eyes I found myself a'falling in love with the swain.
Oh, the glorious fellow I met by the ocean with eyes of deep- sea green!
He was a rugged sailor man with eyes of deep-sea green,
And I a maid, a tavern maid! Whose living was serving beer.
So with a kiss and with a wave, off on his boat he sailed
And left me on the dock, the thief! Without my heart, oh dear!
And with a heart that's lost at sea, I go living still.
I still am now still serving beer in that tavern by the sea.
And though the pay check's still the same, the money won't go as far
For now I feed not just myself, but my little one and me!
So let that be a lesson, dear, and keep your heart safely hid.
I gave mine to a sailor thief with gorgeous eyes of green.
Save yours for a sweeter lad who makes the land his home.
Ah me! If only I'd never met that sailor by the sea!
~Lonnie Adrift~

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Blog: Chapter 24: The conversation with Mr.Antolini

When given a lecture like Holden was given by Mr. Antolini annoys me. Most of the time when I'm given this lecture I know the answers or outcome of it. Mr. Antolini explains to Holden that he must apply himself in school and he will find something that he really enjoys. He says that if he finds something that he likes that he will learn and be interested and most importantly try. This is something I personally don't need to hear because I know it. I don't like when people repeat themselves. 

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Blog:Chapter 20 & 21 Holden's internal conflicts

Holden pretended to have been shot after leaving the Wicker Bar. He says that there is a bullet in his stomach and holds it tight to "stop the bleeding". Holden wasn't really shot and isn't bleeding. Holden must likely does this because he wants attend. He also has a stomach ache because of the amount of alcohol he consumed. Being drunk could be also why he acts this way. Alcohol changes your perception. Holden also might be saying this in a non-literal way. He could mean that the loneliness and being drunk hurts him.